Learning Based Safety Training

Learning Based Safety Training

Baldwin Safety Solutions Training

As your CSM we provide you with Learning Based Safety Training. Too many people feel that safety training is dry, boring, and frankly a waste of time and money.  

Learning Based Training is much different, we understand how adults learn and apply value-added content.  Adults learn best when they know the Whys, and how things work. Most of our learning sessions begin in the classroom, but then we get outside and put into action what they just learned. We go out into the worksite and get our hands dirty. 

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Our process

reliable and consistent

Our working process refers to the series of steps used by our professional team to complete tasks, achieve goals, and deliver products/services.


Plan the project

This phase involves defining objectives, setting goals, and outlining strategies to achieve them.



This phase is where Staff work on their assigned tasks, following timelines and guidelines.



Once tasks are completed and all objectives are met, the final product or service is delivered to the client, customer, or the designated recipient.